The Story of an old roadster
California over the years | 2011
Southern CAlifornia
Pictures and text by Randy Pimpler
A Hot Rods Online Photo Expose

Thought someone found it in an episode of Happy Days. I called Ian and he said he and others in the LA Roadster Club regularly rented their cars to the studios. He said they were paid very well, sometimes the studios would keep the cars for days, sometimes weeks, and that they didn't always know what they were used for. I asked if the studio would have removed fenders, he said absolutely as long as it was returned in the condition it was rented in. I guess times were different when these were $500 cars!

It's a cool picture, but it's not this car. The color looks spot on and the fenders are bobbed, but they're bobbed at the front edge where Ian's were only bobbed at the rear, the windshield is not chopped, clearly there is no windshield sticker, and it still has a rumble lid handle.


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